Karting - Grand Prix
Karting - Grand Prix
Grand prix available for groups up to 100 people
Our Grand Prix formats are designed to give the full racing driver experience. Each participant completes a 15 minute qualifying session to quality for the grid for the main race (or multiple races if you habe a large group that needs to be split up) It's then time for the main event where you will take grid position and when the green flags drops you fight for victory in a 15 minute all out race!
Minimum of 10 drivers required for the Grand Prix and you have excusive use of the track.
Please note this track is a 40 minute drive from Carlingford, if a return bus is required please let us know.
Duration of activity
Depends on group size
What to wear?
Runners and old clothes
Equipment provided
Overalls, helmet and Kart
- 100 people